大名鼎鼎的沃顿自然是聚集了不少金融界的顶尖人物,比较出名是前AFA主席Roberts、Long-run risk model 的提出者之一Yaron、做资产定价理论少有的女教授Watcher、以及现任的AFA会长Stambaugh
Frank Qian
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American Education Elites is a multinational educational consulting company officially registered under the U.S. federal government; it is also a member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). Founded in 2012, the Company is headquartered in Los Angeles of California, has offices in Canada and China. It serves as a platform of global educational resource integration dedicated to providing creative solutions for the Chinese and American education markets.
American Education Elites is a multinational educational consulting company officially registered under the U.S. federal government; it is also a member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). Founded in 2012, the Company is headquartered in Los Angeles of California, has offices in Canada and China. It serves as a platform of global educational resource integration dedicated to providing creative solutions for the Chinese and American education markets.
American Education Elites is a multinational educational consulting company officially registered under the U.S. federal government; it is also a member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). Founded in 2012, the Company is headquartered in Los Angeles of California, has offices in Canada and China. It serves as a platform of global educational resource integration dedicated to providing creative solutions for the Chinese and American education markets.
American Education Elites is a multinational educational consulting company. Founded in 2012, the company is headquartered in Los Angeles of California, has four offices in Irvine, Toronto, Shanghai and Guangzhou. American Education Elites serves as a platform of global educational resource integration, dedicates to provide creative solutions for the Chinese and American education markets.
美国精英教育集团(American Education Elites)是在美国联邦政府正式注册的国际教育咨询公司,也是美国基准教育局(CSIET)的国际会员。公司成立于2012年,总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,在加拿大和中国均有分部, 是一所致力于为中美教育市场 提供创造性解决方案的国际教育资源整合平台。
美国精英教育集团主营中美合作办学,其配套服务包括:共建中美顶尖高校合作关系、创立研学基地、全年龄层精英化的教育规划 以及高品质多主题的科研实验室项目 。多年以来,AEE 一直致力于为中美两国的优质学校和知名教育机构建立长期的招生战略关系,努力实现中美教育资源的最大优化配置。